Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Internet Searching For Dummies

Are you a newbie to the internet? Don't know how to search for things you want to look at? Well then you're in luck because this is what this whole guide is about. Now to get started, the following websites are the best for searching:
  • Google
  • Yahoo!
  • Bing
Once you got to the website, enter the things you want to search for. Make sure to follow these rules:
  • Don't use common words such as: the, a, in, have, etc...Searching Engines will usually ignore them.
  • Try to be as specific as possible. Don't make your searches too general.
  • If you have a group of words, adding ' ' to them will group them together.
  • If you want the search engine not to include a word in its search, just add a - before the word.
  • If you want the search engine to include a word, simply add a + before the word.
If you follow all the tips and tricks above, it will make your searches faster and you can find the thing you are looking for quicker.

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